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Mold, mildew, and fungus are incredibly common RV problems caused by dampness and insufficient airflow. While roof leaks and sink floods are among the primary culprits of such issues, any warm sunny day in an RV could provide the ideal conditions for such issues to form – yet their prevention can be much simpler than you might imagine!

Avoid Mold Infestation Before It Starts

Mold and mildew infestation in an RV is best prevented by eliminating moisture build-up as early as possible. When condensation forms on windows or countertops, take immediate steps to wipe it off as soon as you notice. Dehumidifiers and fans to increase airflow within your RV may also help. Investing in a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels within your RV may also prove useful; optimal humidity should range between 30%-50 percent for optimal conditions.

Fabric and linens must be removed from your RV prior to storage for optimal health. Because these materials absorb and trap water, leaving it for months at a time increases your risk for mold, mildew and fungus growth in your RV. It is crucial that sheets, towels, fabric curtains and couch cushions be removed so as not to expose your RV’s structure to mold growth and mildew growth.

While using your RV, be sure to run its fan and vents frequently. In particular, when cooking or showering, these fans can help circulate air and keep moisture levels as low as possible in your RV. Furthermore, open windows and doors frequently when in storage as this allows fresh air to enter, further decreasing humidity levels.

Have the Proper Tools

An important element in keeping your RV clean both inside and outside is having the proper tool set. A multi-purpose sprayer is essential for reaching hard-to-reach places within your RV that are difficult to access with brushes or your hands alone, with its upside-down design enabling direct application of cleaning solutions without making a mess. A good option would be OxiClean which provides stain removal as well as hard surface cleaner capabilities – ideal for upholstery as well as hard surfaces!

Other handy tips:

  1. Prevent mold and mildew during storage: During the off-season, find a cover that will protect it from the elements while still allowing it to breathe and vent water vapor.
  2. Regularly Inspect your RV: Before heading out on the open road, go over the following. Check your pipes, roof and ceiling to make sure there are no cracks or leaks to let moisture inside. If you find them, fix as soon as possible. Do this twice a year.
  3. Run a dehumidifier: If your rig has electricity, running a dehumidifier helps to cut back the moisture inside your RV, thereby helping to free it from mold. Getting a desiccant dehumidifier that utilizes specialized crystals keep moisture at bay and require no electricity.
  4. Promote proper ventilation: Mold and mildew occurs due to condensation that never has a chance to dry out. To avoid this, open windows and vents to get the air flowing inside your RV. In addition, an unventilated bathroom is the perfect fodder for mold and mildew. After every shower, open the door and windows and run a fan or vent — anything you can do to ensure the room dries out.
  5. Run a fan:  Keep air circulating throughout your RV so moisture doesn’t have a chance to grab hold. If possible, use a fan with space heaters during cooler weather conditions to keep moisture from forming when the temperatures outside take a dip at night.
  6. Wipe wet surfaces down: If you see condensation on any of your RV’s surfaces, wipe it up right away.
  7. Run your range fan while cooking: The act of cooking generates a lot of heat and moisture, so keep the range fan running or the windows open when using your stove top.

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