Camping provides plenty of activities to keep families busy; but sometimes, there’s time to sit back and play some board games!
Here’s some classic and unique games for those inclement weather camping days or if you just want to chill around the picnic table.
Appalachian Trail Game
The Appalachian Trail Game was conceptualized by a hiker who saw the iconic map of this 2,200-mile footpath and asked himself, “Wouldn’t this make an interesting board game?”
Each turn, move your DIY game piece along the waterproof fold out tabletop map of the Appalachian Trail using GEAR, CHANCE and CHALLENGE cards as you encounter opportunities to further your journey, or hazards that impede progress.
Once a player takes their 5-point Thru Hike card and arrives at either Georgia or Maine termini, their Trail Journal stacks can be added up and the winner declared!
Yahtzee National Parks Edition
Pack up and discover America’s greatest treasures with America’s number one dice game with its National Parks-themed twist. Perfect for family camping trips!
It includes a travel dice cup to hold all components, five custom dice with multi-color National Park icons (deer, tent, canoe, pine tree and binoculars). Also, discover ways we can preserve our National Parks as well as Fun Facts about environmental conservation. Comes with custom score pad with pencil and instructions. Suitable for 2-6 Players.
Mancala is one of the most portable and engaging family board games. You can tuck the gameboard easily into any backpack, while stones may be substituted with rocks or other camp items should that prove more suitable.
To play, place the game between you and your opponent with its long side facing away from both of you, then every turn, move one counter along your side of the board without placing any in your opponent’s mancalas.
Beat the Parents
Nothing pairs better with a crackling campfire than hearing laughter from your family and friends. Bring along their favorite laughter-inducing games for an enjoyable camping trip and watch how fast fun will become reality!
Beat the Parents is a trivia-based board game for children competing against their genetic parents, where teams of kids answer trivia questions to move pawns across the board and move both pawns across in one go. The first team to successfully do so and reach both of their pawns on either side wins!
Jenga (Giant) Lawn Edition
Enjoy this classic block tower game filled with strategy and suspense, ramped up as a life-size lawn-type game. Play with oversized stacks of wood just as you do the original table-sized version and let the hijinks begin! Comes in a heavy-duty carrying bag, with splinter-resistant wood blocks.
UNO Wilderness Edition
Uno is an age-old classic family game that’s easily portable on camping trips. This outdoor wilderness version comes complete with fun wilderness scenes to add an exciting new dimension to its usual gameplay.
Telestrations is another fantastic group game with erasable sketchbooks and markers to bring out creative writing in kids while adult participants will love laughing at their creations! Children will have fun naming and drawing things they find outside while adults can have a blast laughing at all of their hilarious creations!
Pictionary is an age-old party game and an excellent way to bring people together and get them laughing. It works on gross motor, fine motor and cognitive development simultaneously making it suitable for players of all ages and stages.
This Pictionary variant includes a game board, pawns, a minute timer and category cards for teams to use as they take turns being the Picturist (draw pictures for other teams to guess) while moving towards the finish square. The first team to arrive there first wins!
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