If you’re looking to get out into nature this spring, camping is a great way to experience a different side of our natural world. From viewing spring wildflowers to enjoying late sunrises and early sunsets, we’re sharing some of the top reasons you should go camping in spring!
Whether you’re camping in a state park or in the wilderness, be sure to pack the right gear. These items will help you enjoy a successful and memorable spring camping trip!
1. Viewing Spring Wildflowers
After months of gray skies and brown leaves, spring wildflowers bloom in a burst of color. They are especially welcome to tickle bees and other early-emerging pollinators, as they are the first flowers they can see after a long winter.
When camping in spring, you can enjoy viewing a variety of spring wildflowers at many parks and preserves. Just remember to follow the Leave No Trace Principles when you visit a park, and always respect the natural beauty of the area by not trampling the flowers or picking them.
2. More Solitude at the Campsite
In spring, the crowds are gone and you can easily find a campsite that’s far from any other campers. This is especially helpful if you’re looking for solitude in a campground. Camping in spring is also a great time to go hiking and enjoy nature. You don’t have to worry about coordinating with other people, and you can hike as quickly or slowly as you want.
Another benefit of camping in spring is that you don’t have to worry about being surrounded by bugs. Mosquitoes don’t breed as much in spring, so you won’t have to spray like crazy to get rid of them.
3. Fewer Bugs
One of the most annoying aspects of camping is getting bitten by mosquitoes, ticks, and deer flies. Mosquitoes are known for transferring diseases like malaria and dengue fever, so it’s important to take steps to keep them away from you while in the great outdoors.
One way to do this is to use bug repellent. There are many different types available that range in effectiveness from natural to traditional DEET-based insect repellents.
4. Great Birdwatching
If you’re a fan of birding, spring is an ideal time to get outdoors and listen to the chirping, fluttering, and flapping. Birds are busier than ever during spring, searching for mates and raising young.
You can also observe migratory birds as they head north to their breeding areas.
5. Late Sunrises and Early Sunsets
Spring is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy nature’s beauty. However, it’s important to take certain precautions when planning your trip, especially if you’re traveling with children.
Early spring camping offers a unique opportunity to observe birds in the wee hours of the morning and before sunrise, as well as just before sunset. This is an amazing time to watch the animals, as they’re busy gathering mates, building nests, and rearing their young.
Sunrise and sunset timings are also affected by the apparent solar time of your area. This is the amount of time it takes for the sun to return to its highest point over a particular line of longitude, and is affected by Earth’s elliptical orbit and tilt.
6. Spring is Full of New Life
As the spring months approach, we begin to see new life in everything around us. From the flowers blooming in our garden to the wildflowers that line the trails.
Camping in spring can be one of the most rejuvenating ways to unwind and connect with nature. This is the perfect time of year to get away from all of the hustle and bustle of every day and enjoy some quality time with your loved ones.
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